Double your 
impact today

Thanks to a major donor, your gift with be matched 1:1, up to $10,000!!

Why give?

  • Classes for the Community

    With your support, we can offer more classes and workshops for the community!

  • Affordable Housing

    Your support helps us provide more affordable housing in the neighborhood!

  • Community Events

    With your support, we can develop more community events like the Re:Art Festival!

  • Partnership Growth

    We partner with non-profits such as, Truman Heritage Habitat for Humanity and the Special Olympics. With your support, we can continue these partnerships and create a more lasting impact.

  • Art Center Equipement

    Your support helps us make crucial purchases of large equipment for our community studios. Equipment brings more access to artists in our area and offer more classes for the community.

  • Performing Arts

    With your support, we can offer more performing arts events! Help us sustain the growing performing arts space at Englewood Arts!

Donations for Giving Tuesday will automatically be matched 1:1, up to $10,000!! If you donate $50, you'll be honored for a $100 gift!